Are you ready to make the leap to a sit-stand workstation?

Man is made to move; by its very nature, it is the only bipedal being and standing is one of its primary characteristics. However, the modern world of office work in front of a computer screen is pushing us more and more towards a sedentary lifestyle and the sitting position is becoming the one we prefer in our daily lives.
Trend or real revolution in our workspace, sit-stand desks are on the rise and precisely offer an optimization of our working postures. Difficult to distinguish between real benefits or new fashion? The OBURO team has looked into the matter for you! Here are the top 3 advantages of an adjustable desk:

It is scientifically proven that adjustable workspaces, which allow you to work sitting or standing as desired, have long-term positive effects on your health. Why? Quite simply because they allow you to avoid sitting for too long.

Indeed, prolonged sitting (which is the case with conventional desks) has a negative impact on our health. Studies show that there is a link between spending too much time sitting and blood circulation problems, diabetes, high blood pressure and even depression. In addition, it has been proven that a sedentary lifestyle can cause heart problems and promote the development of colon or prostate cancer. Finally, sitting still burns fewer calories than standing and therefore encourages weight gain.
Here is a not very encouraging portrait of the consequences of prolonged sitting that the experts expose to us. It is therefore becoming urgent to change our habits at the office to spend less time sitting and more time standing during our working day. A sit-stand desk is the perfect alternative to achieve this: it offers the possibility of alternating positions throughout the day and avoiding sitting too long. As a result, all the risks mentioned above are reduced and your health will be even better!

A work model that provides more energy and well-being on a daily basis

Who doesn't get up in the evening from their office chair, after a day's work, exhausted, numb and feeling like they've run a marathon, after sitting for hours? As the seated position solicits the cervical and upper limbs, it is therefore normal that they are painful in the evening. To avoid this, it is recommended to get up regularly (every 30/60 minutes). Stretching is also welcome throughout the day to relax sore muscles from a fixed position for a long time.

An adjustable workstation allows you to do this while working and greatly helps you reduce your back and neck pain, which are under constant strain from sitting for so long.
Being on your feet for part of the day increases your energy expenditure and your body comes out more toned. In the end, after a day of alternating positions, your energy level is only higher, your body is less sore and the risk of muscle injury is reduced.

Added to this is a productivity gain

Finally, another of the benefits – and not the least – observed from the installation of these workstations is the increase in your productivity. Alternating sitting and standing positions promotes concentration and leads to better work efficiency. Your mind is more alert when you change positions often and struggle with stillness. So you are less distracted and ultimately more efficient.
To try sit-stand desks is to adopt them! Your health, energy and productivity will only be better for it!

The OBURO team is there to support you in the best possible choice of workspace organization. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to advise you! 514 332-2328

To receive advice on redesigning your office and the ergonomics of your workspaces, contact our experts. They will be able to guide you towards the best choices according to your current and future needs. Tell us about your project, we love to take on challenges!


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